Category Archives: Kiddos

Audrey and Tamara’s Workshop

My winter has been filled with workshops, learning all that I can to better my photographs and business. I still have one more to attend this May here in Minneapolis, The Secret Workshop with Cheryl Muhr, I’m so excited! Anyhoooo, when I was in Vegas a couple weeks ago I had the pleasure of going to a workshop put on by Audrey Woulard and Tamara Lackey. There were about 30 of us, we split up and half of us shot with Audrey and then switched to shoot with Tamara. They are both WONDERFUL teachers and I learned a lot! Here are a few pictures of the sweet kiddos we got to photograph, thanks again to Audrey and Tamara for their time and knowledge!

Audrey in action with the kids!

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Filed under Kiddos, Photography

Paloma is ONE!

6 months ago, Miss Paloma was starting to crawl and developing that bright personality of hers 🙂

Now she’s ONE and still just adorable as ever! She’s saying words, taking her first steps and is mama’s little angel 🙂 I can’t wait to watch Paloma grow up into a beautiful little lady. Thanks Rachel and Paloma for having me over, I am so excited for you guys to move closer some day soon *fingers crossed* and see you both more!!!! 🙂

Oh baby eye lashes, I’m so jealous! Aren’t they just to die for?


Filed under Babies, Kiddos

Gavin’s 1st Birthday Party

Last weekend I spent my afternoon with the P family celebrating Gavin’s 1st birthday with all of their friends and family. It was an AWESOME birthday party, Lindsay and Adam left no detail out; the food, drinks, presents and LOTS of guests. We did a few pictures of just Gavin before all the guests arrived and I swear I could have photographed him for HOURS. His smile is infectious and those eyes, oh boy look out girls… we’ve got another heartbreaker 🙂

A little risky business action before the PARTY

Gavin’s aunt and uncle who came all the way from Milwaukee for his birthday party!

The gorgeous P Family

Thanks for having me over Lindsay, Adam and Gavin! It was so great to meet you! 🙂


Filed under Family, Just Because, Kiddos

Bennett is ONE!

It seems like it was just yesterday when we were out in the apple orchard taking pictures of Bennett for his 9 month session, he’s grown up SO much in such a short time. He’s not just walking, he’s RUNNING now. He has lots of little teeth, knows sign language and is just the happiest little man! Here’s his sneak peek from our mini adventure in Minneapolis!

He’s like “What up, I’m cute… can you handle it?” 🙂

With those eyes, I have a feeling B can get away with ANYTHING!

B showing off his dance moves


Filed under Kiddos

Finn turned 1!

I’ve been so lucky to watch this little man grow up over the past year,  he was one of my first babies when I started in 2009 and I can’t believe he’s one! Seriously those blue eyes are just to die for, I’m so jealous because I wish I had eyes and eyelashes like his! Lucky Finn! 🙂 Here are a few sneak peeks from our session at the Depot in Minneapolis this past weekend!

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Filed under Kiddos

Mike+Shannon+Chloe+Baby Ethan

Over 8 years ago I worked at Old Chicago with this beautiful mama, she had just started dating her now husband Mike and after all these years they now have 2 beautiful children Chloe (2) and Ethan (2 weeks). I got to meet Ethan the other day and I must say he is just adorable, he looks so much like Shannon and those lips are just to die for!!! Thanks for letting me come over and meet Ethan 🙂 It’s always great to see you all!!! Here’s a little sneak, I know Shannon has been dying to see them!

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Filed under Family, Kiddos, Newborns

Spring Special!

Last week I mentioned a Spring deal, so here it is!

This can be for any type of session, maternity, newborn, family, you name it 🙂 Your session will last between 1-2 hours and can take place wherever you’d like! E-mail me at ashley.cohn{at}gmail{dot}com to book your session.

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Filed under Babies, Engagement, Family, Kiddos, Love, Maternity, Newborns, Wedding

A Decade

The year was 1999 and nobody knew what was going to happen when the clock struck midnight and we moved into the year 2000… Y2K. The computers didn’t explode, the TVs still worked… life was good 🙂 I’ve been reading many different magazines, news articles and watching TV as they count down the most monumental moments in the last decade. Yes… DECADE. It got me to thinking, what have I done in the last decade… how did it start, how did it end and what went on in the middle.

10 years ago, I was a little freshmen in this huge world called High School. I had my first job at a little store in my neighborhood with my best friend Cait. I spent every available minute with my friends, playing boot hockey, Super Nintendo, snowboarding, going out on the lake… not a care in the world. Over the next 10 years…I got my license, fell in love, made friendships that have lasted a decade and others that have dissipated and I graduated from high school. I left my life in Minnesota, went to college in Iowa (yes Iowa) and met amazing friends that changed my life. I graduated from college and fell in love with photography. And now, tomorrow starts a new day, a new year, a new decade and more adventures to look forward to. I don’t know what will happen, but I know I will enjoy every moment of it and appreciate all that life has to offer! Thanks to everyone who has made this past year unforgettable and to all my clients you are amazing and I am blessed that you open up your lives to me.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy new year! Cheers to 2010! 🙂

A post is always better with a picture, the amazing family I got to spend my last session of 2009 with…

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Filed under Babies, Family, Kiddos, Personal


I know I’ve said it before, but I truly believe I get to photograph some of the greatest families! We must be true Minnesotans because we were excited that it was 40 outside 🙂

Isn’t she just the cutest??

A little sibling love… about 2 seconds later, Brooke was done with the hug 🙂

Christy & Tony you have such a BEAUTIFUL family! 🙂 Thanks for spending the morning with me!


Filed under Family, Kiddos


As I was uploading these images, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. Kayli is just the cutest 17 month old around, full of smiles and energy! Her mama is one of my best friends and I’ve been dying to get my camera in front of their family! 🙂 Here is the long awaited sneak peek for Katie and Chris, thanks again for letting me take pictures of your beautiful family!

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Filed under Family, Kiddos